The Missing Link

You wonder why things are not working for you, you are putting efforts, yet results are not to be seen. Your hard work seems to go in vain. And you get so many advice and insights, yet reality remains as it is.

One of the reasons possibly for this is your lack of appreciation. This may sound a bit weird but this can be the reason.

What is the quality energy of appreciation?

If you see thoroughly it’s expansive, it’s growth, its success, it’s positive, it’s love and compassion. The energy promotes growth. It is the energy of abundance. It’s the energy of prosperity.

Ask yourself how often you appreciate things, people, events or situation?

If this is your normal habit, then you know how it makes you feel and your life will be quite different.

Why not try doing this from today, to see if it brings any shift for you.

Make it a conscious choice to genuinely start practicing appreciation. But then appreciate what?


Nature, the sun, the moon, the water, the air, the house, your loved ones, your colleagues, your co-workers, your staff, your driver, your maid, your clients, any living and non-living things.

Appreciate all of them, the entire existence

When you do so consciously and genuinely, your energy takes a shift and you sync yourself with the Universal frequency. It’s magical in a way.

Appreciate your weaknesses, your fear, your anxiety, your pain, trouble, problem, and issues too. They have taught you and they are a part of you too.

You may use this phrase I appreciate for your presence and impact in my life. You have made me better.

Appreciate all the good which are happening, the bad for the lessons it has taught you. Appreciate life for what all it has given you.

Master this skill. It’s one of the most magical skills to develop.

Be a master of appreciation and gratitude.

J. S. Gulati
Entrepreneurs can change the World!!😊👍